Stolen Luck by Serenity Ackles and J.S. Lee
Queen B’s Decree: Stolen Luck starts right where Cursed Luck ended. Quick reminder, our heroine is Kia, a maybe human who is now holding onto the magic of Luck. And our heroes are the three guardians of Luck, and consequently the guardians of Kia. The magic and mythology continue as Kia and her guardians attempt […]
Fake It ‘Til You Break It by Meagan Brandy
Queen B’s Decree: Fake It ‘Til You Break It is…about a fake relationship that (of course!) turns into a real one. No big spoilers there. Demi was a wonderful heroine. She had that politeness that we Midwesterners tend to showcase, but she had a backbone made of titanium. I loved reading about a strong heroine […]
Keeper by Harloe Rae
Queen B’s Decree: For a relatively dark premise, Keeper is a light and sweet read. Our story starts with Delaney waking up with amnesia in the hospital in her home town. Decker, who had a crush on her in high school, just happens to walk by while visiting a relative and finds her. Butterflies happen […]
The Kissing Game by Marie Harte
Queen B’s Decree: I should have looked more closely at the blurb. He’s got that tall-dark-and-handsome thing going big time. Oh, are you referring to the pale German blonde Viking that is our Hero of the story? Yeah…that’s seems like a great descriptor! The Kissing Game is long and drawn out, with minimal chemistry or […]
Together We Caught Fire by Eva V. Gibson
Queen B’s Decree: Together We Caught Fire had a real weird dynamic going on. Meet our cast of characters: Lane: our heroine; in love with Grey; new stepsister to Grey; hangs out with Sadie but doesn’t seem to like her? flirts with Conner Grey: new stepbrother to Lane; dating (engaged??) to Sadie Sadie: Grey’s girlfriend; […]
Resurrection by Siobhan Davis
Queen B’s Decree: Resurrection was a mindfuck. Dark and twisted in a similar way to the Rydeville High Elite series, but more intense and better written. Harlow is our heroine, and while she is similar to Abby from Rydeville High, she seems stronger. She meets up with the Sainthood boys on the night her father […]
The Rogue Captain by K Webster and Nicole Blanchard
Queen B’s Decree: Willow and Theron were a fun couple to read about. Theron has this ridiculous ego but you just can’t help but like him regardless. And Willow can’t stand his “player” routine. But what happens on the Mayvina stays on the Mayvina…at least that was Willow’s plan. Theron is a typical Mort, there […]
My Best Friend’s Royal Wedding by Romy Sommer
Queen B’s Decree: Talk about boring. The cover sucked me in along with the blurb. A RomCom about a royal wedding featuring a soon-to-be prince and a waitress. What could be terrible about that?? Narrator: Everything is terrible. Firstly the characters. Both Khara and Adam are not interesting or nice people. At least Adam owns […]