If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane
Queen B’s Decree: If I Never Met You was a delight to read. Our heroine is Laurie, who has just been dumped by the partner she’s had for half of her life. The partner who tells her he needs to find himself and immediately impregnates his new girlfriend. Painful, and heartbreaking, but not the end […]
Vampires in America Reading Order
The Earl Not Taken by A.S. Fenichel
Queen B’s Decree: Historical used to be my favorite genre, so I jumped on the chance to snatch this one up. The Earl Not Taken started well. We get introduced to this squad of wallflowers who bonded together while at a boarding school. These women/girls were supposedly so terrible that their parents sent them out […]
Creole Kingpin by Meghan March
Queen B’s Decree: Creole Kingpin contains one of my least favorite tropes, the abominable second chance. I usually hate it, because the characters’ separation is often due to a stupid misunderstanding, or a failure to communicate, or something totally avoidable. Luckily, this doesn’t happen in Creole Kingpin. 15 years ago Magnolia and Moses spent two […]
The New Guy by Kathryn Freeman
Us After You by Claudia Burgoa
Delinquent Demons by K Webster
Queen B’s Decree: Delinquent Demons is a bit of a whirlwind. As soon as it starts, you are thrown into it without really understanding what is happening (kinda like Charis, I suppose?). Charis has been living under a fog her whole life and after getting a tattoo her life gets thrown into chaos. She’s taken […]
All The Letters I’ve Ever Read by Ace Gray
Queen B’s Decree: I’ve been sitting on my thoughts and pondering this review for quite some time. My final conclusion? This series was not for me. Quick reminder – All The Letters I’ll Never Send You was told from Mina’s point of view and describes her obsession with her ex-coworker/friend, an obsession that she delusionally […]
Wish by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Queen B’s Decree: Wish definitely went in a way I wasn’t expecting. Ginnie finds a bottle while thrifting, and inside this bottle is a note instructing her to make a wish. As it turns out, this wish has a lot more rules and stipulations from her “genie,” Mr. Wish. Anything more about the plot and […]