Category: Fantasy
The Dark Mountain by Yona Katz
The Seas Between Us by Jana Sun
Voyage of the Damned by Frances White
The Quiet Beyond the Well by CW Wren
Queen B’s Decree: This book…was really, really good. Well-fleshed world building that doesn’t overwhelm you, with an Irish folklore feel, you feel immersed from page one. The prose flows from the page so lyrically, it’s almost like I’m hearing a verbal tale, passed down through generations. But what really shines is the characters. Everyone is […]
The Treasured One by Hannah Levin
Queen B’s Decree: There is a rift that separates our current world and the Fae land and they are kept very separate. But after the rift opened, some humans were blessed with a bit of magic, including Avery. Avery has the skill of healing, but she’s becoming ill herself, so she’s brought to the Fae […]
Siege of the Seven Sins by Emily Colin
Queen B’s Decree: Holy tortured angst, Batman. When we left Ari and Eva, they had just escaped from the Bellators and had rejoined with the resistance and we finally had hope they could be together, away from the Commonwealth where their love was forbidden. Instead, they both mostly just pine for the other…until they finally […]
The Secrets of Jane: Forgotten by Charlotte Mallory
Queen B’s Decree: The Secrets of Jane: Forgotten has one of the best kinds of the enemies-to-lovers trope—the “you’re my captive” kind of enemies. Jane has been hiding in plain sight for the last decade, but her past has finally caught up to her, and mercenary Soren captures her. There is so much push and […]
A Court of Wicked Fae by Alaya Wells
Sword of the Seven Sins by Emily Colin
Queen B’s Decree: Sword of the Seven Sins features a society ruled by a restrictive religion based on—you guessed it—the seven deadly sins. Relationships of any sort are forbidden; no friendships, no romance, no lust. When Eva is selected as the newest and only female Bellator (the compound’s military), she’s paired with Ari. But they’ve […]