Category: Contemporary
Until Sunrise by Sarah O’Rourke
Queen B’s Decree: This was a sweet and fluffy novella. Luka was an OTT alpha male with soulmate tendencies. Y’all know how much I dig love at first sight so naturally, I adored this little story. I especially loved Michelle and her personality. She was definitely no push-over and was a perfect (and slightly stubborn!) […]
Avalanche by Cambria Hebert
Personal Delivery by Ainsley Booth
Queen B’s Decree: I guess I would consider Personal Delivery the book equivalent of a rom-com movie. It was short, sweet, and fluffy. The characters felt very shallow, in that the story felt heavy on the physical and light on the relationship building. But on an afternoon when I needed a break? It fit the […]
Sweet Like Candy by Ella Fox
Queen B’s Decree: No surprise to everyone, I’m a huge fan of sweet little novellas about soulmates and true love. This little interlude features instalove, a celibate hero, and a whole lot of gushy romance. Bonus: It’s on Kindle Unlimited! Book: Sweet Like Candy by Ella Fox Series: Erotic Intentions #2 Genre: erotica novella Hotness: medium […]
Taking Her Turn by Alexa Riley plus a Field Trip…
Keeping Her Warm by Alexa Riley
Queen B’s Decree: Oh Alexa Riley. I had been disappointed with her (technically their) last few releases. I had wondered…have I grown out of this phase? Am I done with instalove novellas with multiple epilogues and happily ever afters? Then Keeping Her Warm came out. And faith was restored. It was wonderful! Exactly what I […]
Tangled by Emma Chase
Queen B’s Decree: I’m gonna be the dissenting opinion here. I know this is a universally enjoyed book. Emma Chase wowed me with her Royally Series. But Drew. He was one of the biggest assholes I’ve read about in recent memory. I couldn’t finish. I hated him. Dear Drew, You were a prick and ruined […]