Read. Reign. Repeat.

You Had Me at Happy Hour by Timothy Janovsky

Queen B’s Decree: Greg had some severe himbo energy. It was the perfect foil to grumpy, non-divergent Julien.

Greg (cocktails) and Julien (wine sommelier) are kind of work rivals, but are forced to work together to plan happy hour events (also if you don’t know me in real life, you need to know that I am the Happy Hour Queen at work so I needed to read this book). And surprise, they are attracted to each other, and surprise, they become friends with benefits.

The spicy scenes were the best part of YHMAHH. I loved the realness. Greg has a medical issue due to some medication, and Julien has OCD so has specific rules for sexy time…but they made it work and didn’t make it a big deal. There was no judgment from either side, just understanding and good, clean (literally) sex.

But that third act break-up. It was like when you’re speeding but then you brake when that traffic light turns, such an abrupt stop. It came out of nowhere and didn’t fit. Both characters made TERRIBLE decisions for people who were about to say the L word. It made their make-up less meaningful as I was two-thirds out the door by then.

Overall an entertaining read, but I won’t be forgetting that break-up anytime soon.

Book: You Had Me at Happy Hour by Timothy Janovsky
Series: standalone
Genre: Contemporary
Hotness: medium-hot salsa
Plot Devices/Tropes: LGBTQ+, friends with benefits

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