Read. Reign. Repeat.

Don’t Puck With My Heart by Sarah Blue

Queen B’s Decree: Don’t Puck With My Heart was an emotional read, but in a different way than the previous in the series (which was angsty and wonderful and made me cry). DPWMH goes down a different path; it’s more about self-acceptance and self-love.

We’ve got Alexi—the perfect alpha of my dreams. Piper—the female alpha trying to live up to her awful father’s expectations. And Owen—the male omega trying to ignore and hide his designation and true self. Alexi is the glue that holds them together, giving them both the support and space to work through everything and accept that they are all meant to be. Communication is key in any relationship and they had that in abundance…eventually.

I think what I loved about DPWMH was how it doesn’t shy away from the stereotypes surrounding the designations. It’s relatable to the issues we struggle with regarding traditional gender roles and what happens when you go against the norm. You’re left with the feeling that yes, the world is your oyster…but that your dreams and wishes will change as circumstances or people come into your life.

But also let’s not forget the smut. That was, as always, top tier. Sarah knows how to find the perfect mixture of emotion and filth and has a way of creating characters that you connect with. I can’t wait for more.

Book: Don’t Puck With My Heart by Sarah Blue
Series: Pucked Up Omegaverse #2
Genre: Hockey
Hotness: hot salsa
Plot Devices/Tropes: omegaverse

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