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The Dinner Guest by B.P. Walter

Queen B’s Decree: This thriller took me for a ride. I was totally surprised by how it went.

The Dinner Guest starts out at the murder. Those present are Matt, the deceased, his husband Charlie, their teenaged son Titus, and friend/acquaintance Rachel. And Rachel calls the police and confesses to the murder.

Case closed, right? Wellllll…not so much.

The story then goes back in time and leads up to that desperate moment, as told from both Charlie and Rachel’s points of view. We learn more and more about each character, and we soon discover the depth of secrets and deception that are hidden in an pretty instagram life.

Full of secrets, deception, lies, and blackmail, the story unfolds and keeps you hooked.

Book: The Dinner Guest by B.P. Walter
Series: standalone
Genre: thriller/mystery
Hotness: not really full of sexy times, if you feel me
Plot Devices/Tropes: murder

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