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The Good Guys Box Set: Trucker Wedding and Trucker Baby by Jamie Schlosser

Queen B’s Decree: I’ve previously read the rest of the stories in the box set, so this review will focus on the new addition of Trucker Wedding and Trucker Baby.

These are sweet little epilogues adding on the the first book in the box set, Trucker. Trucker features one of my favorite couples, Travis and Angel, and the new addition to the box set includes their wedding (who’d a thunk it?!?!).

I’ve loved this couple since the beginning so seeing them finally get married was wonderful. It’s short and sweet, but oh so satisfying.

A Trucker Baby was just as satisfying. We get an insight to Travis and Angel as parents and their fears. Adorable and bittersweet!

Would highly recommend every story in this box set.

Book: Trucker Wedding and Trucker Baby in the Box Set
Series: The Good Guys
Genre: Contemporary
Hotness: mild salsa
Plot Devices/Tropes: extended epilogues

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