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Throwing Stones by Avery Cockburn…Part Two

Queen B’s Decree: So you’ve already seen Queen J’s review of Throwing Stones (at least I hope you have. Otherwise consider this part one.). Here’s my take:

Avery Cockburn is no stranger to me (check out the original Glasgow Lads series…especially COLIN). When I saw the author was releasing a book on curling…right during the Olympics? Sounded like gold to me.

And it was. Gold medal right here. It’s definitely a slow burn, which I’m finding out I prefer, as the relationship building becomes the main focus. What I love about Avery Cockburn…every book I’ve read includes something more than romance. Maybe it’s politics, or religion, or in this case mental health and medicine. And it works so well. It feels so real and normal. While I love romance and fiction to take me outside of myself, I like being grounded and the believability makes it more dear to me.

P.S. Glasgow Lads is where I first discovered Irn Bru. And I gotta say…it’s a flavor I cannot describe. Avery? Is it cream soda? Cotton candy? Why does it taste so good with rum? These are the questions of my life.

Book: Throwing Stones by Avery Cockburn

Series: Glasgow Lads on Ice #1

Genre: sports

Hotness: mild salsa…essentially ketchup, but in a good way

Plot Devices: gay

Favorite Quote:

The fact that Luca couldn’t bother lecturing Ross on the literal meaning of the word literally worried him.

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